Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jin Shin Jyutsu


A Body, Mind, Spirit Hands-on Self Healing Art

“The truth is that within each one of us lies the power to cast all misery aside and Know complete Peace and Oneness – to BE that beautiful creation of perfect harmony – to truly know (help) myself.”   Mary Burmeister, founder of Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art of releasing tensions that have caused the body mind and spirit to become unbalanced.  When we are not in balance, our body becomes sick, we forget who we are and we are cut off from living in the state of our Divinity.

Many of us now know, we are already complete, healed and whole.  The question is, are we being what we know?   Are we living in our core or pulled away by outside forces?   This brilliant ancient art form assists us to drop the attitudes of fear that causes illness, illusion and separation and helps us return to our True Nature.  Jin Shin Jyutsu offers powerful and simple ways for us to keep ourselves in balance through the use of our hands.  The results are often instant and, for me, definitely culmulative.

It is my belief, you will find Jin Shin Jyutsu as amazing as I do.  It has changed my life on every level. It’s Physio-Philosophy includes all the other healing art forms I have mastered this life time.

It is my pleasure and privilege to share this art form with you in both private jin shin jyutsu sessions and jin shin jyutsu classes in self-help format. First jin shin jyutsu session is free of charge, at my home office near beautiful Sedona, AZ. The way to know is through experience.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Testimonials for Self-Help Classes

Schedule your own private jin shin jyutsu session today!

Schedule for Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Classes