Saturday, July 27, 2024


Jin Shin Jyutsu
Oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa yah yah yah yah yah whoa yah!
What a beautiful experience.  Oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh
oh yah yahyah yah yah!!
On top of a mountain three women danced, sang and discussed ways to inner peace.
As above, so below.
As inside, so outside.
Only inner peace can create world peace. Everyone has it, everyone needs it, all deserve it. It is ours. Take it! Take it back! Hug yourself! No rules. Do it in bed, in the morning or night! (the flows)

Remember though we are not really loving until we can love our enemies… We dont need to be with them, though. Love is our greatest protection and will keep us centered. Problems are filled with fears. Projects are filled with fun. Turn your problems into projects!

These are only some of the things Sondráya talks about while gently leading you through her Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help class. This is the kindest form of self help I’ve ever heard about or done… it is a “Hands On” workshop! (Please do not pardon the pun!) Don’t be afraid to heal! Try it!
-Andrea McHenry, San Francisco, Treasure Island, CA

“I feel confident knowing that I have several Jin Shin Jyutsu flows for my morning meditation – the 26 flows for a longer, deeper healing. I enjoyed the clarity of your presentation.  I felt the flows, like there’s more space inside – the handout’s are clear – It was a success! Thank you!!
– Eeve B. Crowe San Anselmo, CA

“Extremely helpful, you’re a gift to the world!” -Terry Cole Whittaker, Author and Minister

“Sondráya, I felt God in my heart when you touched me… I feel like a new person. I truly believe that God worked through you to heal me… emotionally and spiritually… in just a few minutes, I feel like you have put in motion a dramatic change in my life.” -A. M., Kentucky

“Dear Sondráya, your Astrological counseling aided me in allowing myself to be who I am without guilt. Now that I have passed that major hurdle of not feeling guilty about my uniqueness in the world, I feel I can get on with the true business of living. I am most grateful.” T.M., Oakland, CA

“You gave me deep insight into my past, present and future. It was awesome and I can’t believe how much you helped me in such a short time!” -B. H., Jacksonville, Florida

“Unbelievable changes have taken place; in your loving presence my daughter has blossomed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Much love” -K. L., Hawaii

“You inspired me to open to myself…to God!” -G. T., Germany

“My session indeed was my total contact with myself, my angels and the love of God… I deeply touched the most sacred core of my heart and felt the divine presence and support of my Spirit. I wish for others to be lucky enough to experience your miracle touch. I feel your shoulder near me as we walk with the same firm intention to uncover the Divine potential on Earth. -Marat Hasanov, Russia

“… I now have everything within me to create my life and my world. I am forever grateful.” -George of California

“You have encouraged me to go another step and remove fear from moving forward.” -Q. S. Florida

“I’ve known Sondráya for several years. Her insight and vision have proved to be incredibly accurate and inspired. Her commitment to her clients sets her apart from all others. I would trust her with my life.” -Lisa B. Lee, Berkeley, California

“…During a difficult time in my life, I met with Sondráya and I am very grateful to her, not because she solved my problems, but because she helped me to find my own solutions.” -Brian Mattson, San Francisco, California