Monday, September 9, 2024

Boundaries of Known Realities

July 1, 2016 by  
Filed under Insights and Inspirations

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Boundaries of Known Realities
5-22-16 pic3
are being experimented with, expanded and for many spiritual aspirants, Higher Realities are bleeding thru the boundaries of beliefs, sometimes shocking them out of existence.  Higher Realities are beckoning.

On the mystical front, this experimenting with realities beyond the known, I believe, is due to the residue of the Grand Square of June.   And, also because of the Uranus Eris conjunction, as spoken of in earlier articles.  Carlos Castananda, Yogananda, type happenings are meeting the tests of substantiality.

Mundanely speaking, three Key players are conferencing together in what is called a T-Sq – the dreamer mystic, the expansive adventurist and the ‘now’ist’ realist – Ψ Neptune, ♃Jupiter and ♄Saturn.

The above keywords apply when we educe the best from the planets.  At our worst, Ψ turns into the ‘delusionist’, ♄ the dictator/manipulator and Jupiter can blow things out of proportion.

So what is a T-sq?  Three planets in a 90˚angle to one another; the middle planet is the focus, which, in this case is Saturn.  This T-sq will gradually fade as the month marches on.

Squares in general generate a lot of energy and these happen to be of the mental or mutable kind; Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Sag and Jupiter in Virgo.  This can give you inspiration, motivation and drive or leave you tense and easily agitated, or, a bit of both.

Think of a T-sq as an exclusive meeting between three groups with varying values attempting to come to an agreement, while each maintains its unique purpose.  In this case Neptune and Jupiter are likely to form an alliance due to their similarity.  However, Saturn will hold his own due to his focal placement and his being the eldest and wisest.

If you stay aware and grounded this could be a most magical, miraculous time even if it’s also challenging.  The key is: accept and enjoy!

If you’ve got projects, especially writing projects, you’ve been putting off, July is the month to tackle them.  If – you live in a more moderate climate that is.  Some days it’s just too hot to do anything where I live.

July 2nd the moon in Gemini turns the T-Square into a grand square for the day.  July 4th is the new moon at 12˚ Cancer 54.

img2 6-26-16The Balsamic Moon precedes the new moon by approximately 3.5 days.  It is the most mystical stage of the moon cycle.

A magnificent time to realign with the Divine.  Seek your visions.  Have a heart to heart talk with ‘The Great All-Their-Is.’

An auspicious time to ask to be rooted in the highest frequency;  get clear on what you truly value or ask Creator to tell you “What He would have you be or do.”

Balsamic moon time is great for clearing unnecessary baggage and hindrances to your ambitions.  Use this sacred time wisely.   This is a time to ask and receive Higher Guidance in order to bring a ‘new something’ into existence.  In other words, spiritual reflection can make possible the intentions and goals you set at the New Moon.

Sun in Cancer makes July a time to deal with home and family, real estate, emotional and sensitive issues.

Under the dynamic climate of the squares, make sure to take Cancerian care; rest, regenerate; make time for music, soothing tea and reflection – long baths, excursions near water – if you enjoy such things.

It would be wise to start your day by clearing your energy field – grounding, connecting, reflecting and meditating.  Doing so will help you derive the highest from these planetary configurations, and prepare you for spiritual initiation.  And, water signs are especially prone to picking up other peoples’ energies.  Cancer is a water sign.

Taking care of your field may even spare you from frustrations, but don’t count on it.  Best be grateful for what you get – no matter what it is.

Regarding meditation, quality is more important than quantity.

Yes its reality testing time!  Harness your mind, open to The Divine – receive Divinity’s’ expression through you.

Aho, live in the flow.   Ashé, walk the way of authenticity, it’s a magical key.

Your comments are most appreciated.  If my comments box doesn’t work for you please drop me an email at   Happy day!


Chart drawing from


Balsamic Moon photo from

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