Monday, September 9, 2024

Finger of God sets the stage for May – a time to pray and play

May 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

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The Finger of God sets the stage for the first few days in May!   Jupiter in Libra, Neptune in Pisces and Sun in Taurus form this special configuration aka a Yod. All three planets are linked by their special association with love – of which the world needs a hearty dose of.

Taurus, is Tarot Key 5 – The Hierophant. This Key reminds us we are our own connection to Source, or God if you will. We are reminded to keep our ears free from limiting thoughts and beliefs; stay tuned to the voice of God.

Look past egoic opinions, aspire to see through our ‘third eye’. Aim beyond ego, allow the unconditional love of Venus to flow – through us – to every one, without exception.

Venus, in the heavens overhead is now traveling thru Aries, the sign of newness, boldness, adventure and action; making this a great month to start new projects. Venus has just recovered from her retrograde so it’s likely you’ll have discovered some new value – new love, new passion – making this is a great month to begin to act on them especially after the tenth.

Why after the 10th? The 10th is when the moon’s north node changes from Virgo to Leo. Leo, is ‘the’ sign by which ancient wisdom says we are to center our lives around – love, creativity, entertainment, play.

Leo is a leadership sign ruled by the Sun. Therefore it is a great time to don your royal crown and wear your queenly /kingly robes. Take charge of your domain. Investigate where ‘others’ values and propaganda programs may have over taken you… You will have about 19 months in which to reclaim rulership over your domain.

Examine your mental, emotional and physical system. Are your automatic responses truly yours? If you are a TV viewer, don’t assume that those commercials haven’t infiltrated your subconscious mind. Take time to scrutinize. And the programs are not just to get you to buy, buy, buy- there are purposeful programs to try to get you to think a certain way to make you more controllable.

It’s a time to reclaim your autonomy and your authority. Don’t let yourself be a victim to anything. It’s time to re-write your script. Write it true and new, according to the Divine, authentic and unique you.

Mars is in Gemini, a sign of connecting, teaching and learning. Teach what you most want to learn. Take classes; investigate new realms, new passions new ideologies.

It is definitely a month to begin to take action on the ideas in your mind. Mars is a planet of action and Gemini is a sign of the mind. When you find something you want to manifest, you would be wise to take at least one action step to ensure your new idea doesn’t disappear into daydreams.

Since the month of May is a time to pray and play why not cultivate your capacity to utilize your audacity and ask for that which your soul most wants and needs. why not test out your magical skills? Why not ask to be beamed up into your highest frequency, the zone of your Divinity. Ask for help to stay in constant communication with your Highest Source.

FYI:  I do not get this newsletter to you on my own. I have a computer guy on the payroll. If these monthly musings have blessed your soul, please press this link to scroll to my paypal button and make a contribution – any amount will be helpful. You will be greatly appreciated.

Do know that if you choose not to, this is freely given, from my heart to yours.

This is a great time to make your Astrological Alchemy appointment.  Discover where those Nodes are operating in your life and how you can make the best use of them. Fees for Astrological Alchemy readings range from as low as a $35 question & answer session to various pricings up to a $350 in-depth assessment, which includes your Soul Cycle, and an Astro*Carto*Graphy location evaluation of your place of residency – estimated value – priceless, according to some clients.

Thank you for joining Sondráyas’ monthly musings. I’ll see you next month, if not sooner.

Aho, sing, dance, play and pray. Ash let the magic of love guide your way.

Sondráya Walking Star is an Astrologer, Alchemist, Poet, Sacred Dancer, and Fully Ordained Minister. She is enthusiastic about sharing practical ways for individuals to open themselves to their True Divine Nature, through the Mystical Art of Astrology. She is committed to serving, educating and helping clients attune to the Magnificent Spiritual Renewal of our times!

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