Saturday, July 27, 2024

Imagination, the Power of Jupiter in Scorpio

November 4, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

    When the Sun lights up Scorpio – when the veil between the worlds is thin – it’s the best time to delve into magic and invoke your Soul’s intentions for the year.   However, this year Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system is also gracing Scorpio and will continue to do so … Read More

Jupiter in Scorpio, what magic is possible?

September 30, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for video version!   Between Oct 10, 2017 and Nov 8, 2018 What magic will you educe as Jupiter journeys thru Scorpio, revealer of the Soul? If you really want to know… Dress in your Priestess Robes adorn Scorpion to your Queenly Crown prepare audaciously to venture down past your normal habitat. Face … Read More

Unleash Audacity! Week 4 What is Jupiter Gifting us before leaving Libra?

September 21, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

 Click here for extended audio version!   Libra Beauty Sep 22 – Oct 21 Yes balance your days with artistic play. No matter how long the list of to do’s, it will behoove you to make space for Beauty. Art, dance, socialize, romanticize. Choosing to make room for Libra will connect you to Jupiter and … Read More

Unleash Audacity! Week 3

September 14, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for extended audio version!   Why is dissolution a necessary contribution to the manifesting of goals and the alignment in Soul? “Dissolution is an inevitable process we can in no way avoid.  If we wish to be born into an ever new, higher and vaster realm of Divine Consciousness, it is imperative that … Read More

Unleash Audacity! Week 2. Your inner Leo teen holds a Key!

September 8, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for extended audio version!   Leo represents the teenaged years. With these nodes in the Aquarius/Leo polarity, if you find yourself in times of trouble… its likely your inner teen is the culprit. Her rebellion, her way of trying to save the day is what needs to be addressed. If you love her, … Read More

Unleash Audacity! Meet Celestial Activities at their highest Capacity

September 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for extended audio version!   September begins with a Grand FireTrine (Saturn Sag, Mars Leo, Uranus Aries) Featuring gift giving, truth freeing Uranus and extended by Venus as she dances into aspect between the 11th -19th. How do you wish to utilize this?     Howdy Wowie, I have definitely been eclipsed! How … Read More

Yes we are blessed. This solar eclipse crosses the U.S. Are you ready?

August 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for extended video version!   All of us who live in the States are getting an extra special opportunity to shift into a higher reality. It doesn’t matter if you are on the path where you can see it or if it hits a point or planet in your chart. There is a … Read More

An Exceptional Magical Astrological Portal is Upon Us

July 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

For video version, click here!   Prepare yourself for a rare four week window of opportunity – to do the impossible! That window of opportunity, according to Christine Arens, a respected Astrologer and Kepler College Instructor, is called the Dark Moon.  It is a period from the time the moon enters the zodiacal sign of … Read More

Gemini Time – Prime For Upgrading Your Mind

June 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Watch extended video version here!   Gemini is magical time – IF – you vibrate at the frequency of Higher Mind. Greetings, Thank you for joining me again. This month, in keeping with the personality of Gemini, I made a longer-than-usual video with a couple of stories illustrating points I made. Instead of transcribing or … Read More

Gemini Time is Magical Time IF you’re aligned in Higher Mind (video transcript)

June 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

June 2017 Video transcription by a new subscriber, Lori Stavropoulos,  – Please note most of the following information  is timeless and will continue to be relevant. See the original video here! This is Sondráya from Sondráya’s monthly musings for the month of June 2017.  Gemini time.  The twins of our mind.  Hmm.  Gemini time is prime … Read More

Finger of God sets the stage for May – a time to pray and play

May 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Watch extended video version here!   The Finger of God sets the stage for the first few days in May!   Jupiter in Libra, Neptune in Pisces and Sun in Taurus form this special configuration aka a Yod. All three planets are linked by their special association with love – of which the world needs … Read More

Saturn Conjuncts Galactic Center

April 4, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Watch video version here!   Gut level self-honesty brings reward! This is major prep time. Need to investigate the contents of your mind. Clear out falsity, delusion and illusion. Why? Right now, Venus is retrograde, Saturn is conjunct Galactic Center and Pluto is in Capricorn, Saturn’s sign and Neptune is in Pisces its own sign. … Read More


March 3, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

even though the SUN IS IN WATERY PISCES Click here for audio/video   We get to choose how to use this powerful energy if  we are grounded, neutral and calm. If not, we may get battered and splattered with ill expressed anger.   On the 4th Venus is retrograding time for reevaluating all of our … Read More

February begins with a flood and a fire!

February 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for audio/video version     Are you faithfully floating or frightfully drowning? Burning in the fires of upset and fear?  Or, warming in the atmosphere of inspiration? Fire and water when in excess is a sure sign of a time which may begin in confusion and conflict – but has great potential to … Read More

Says Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, “Whose philosophy is running your show?”

January 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for audio/video Greetings everyone! 2017, a ‘1 year’ of new beginnings.    The first day of this year is called a 1:1:1 Stargate. We are all receiving new frequencies because of this.  (Jan 1, 2017 2+0+1+7= 10  1+0= 1 Thus: 1 1 1). Everyone is, being imprinted with brighter light and higher frequencies whether … Read More

Deep ‘See’ Diving brings reward Declares the Jupiter/Pluto Square

December 7, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

There is no audio this month… However, Sondráya is sharing her home made video of her segment in a forthcoming TV show where she is speaking about the Magic of the Jupiter/Pluto Square. Deep ‘See’ Diving brings reward Declares the Jupiter/ Pluto Square Pluto and Jupiter reward us for daring to plumb our depths in … Read More

Mercury Retrograde, Eclipse, Virgo and You

September 1, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here to view the video version   Disruption perhaps Instruction for the New Normally Virgo operates best with a plan. But the nature of eclipse is unexpected and the nature of retrograde is reflective. So take out your Mary Poppins Umbrella and prepare to ride the waves of interruption adventurously, perhaps even alchemically! For … Read More

Don your Royal Crown, Leo has come to town!

August 1, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

Click here for video version on Youtube   Don your Royal Crown, Leo has come to town! It has never been more crucial for us to open our Crowns and direct our life from the top down. It’s never been more valuable than to take the perspective of the ’Mystic Clown’: After all, isn’t it … Read More

Gem-in-i What is the Gem-in-your-i?

June 1, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

  What is it for which you truly strive?  Are you living in compromise?   Do you audaciously, daringly ask for what you truly want to realize? Whatever you aspire to, the Gemini in you does best when it conspires to partner with consciousness of the ‘Higher Mind kind.’ Yes, regardless of your sun sign … Read More

Transcendental Newness is Upon Us

May 5, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

Greetings from Sondráya’s monthly Musings.  Ok so it hasn’t been monthly – but hopefully it will be.  I’ve recently employed a great computer guy to do my “I don’t like to’s” i.e, uploading and postings etc.  Cross your fingers…  Meanwhile, for audio click here. And if you’d like to bless these musings click here and … Read More

Grab Your Scuba Gear, Neptune’s Near

March 3, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

Yes, Grab your Scuba gear and your fins we’re going deep “see” diving to explore what’s new within. March begins with Neptune near conjunct its’ Piscean Sun. Neptune, the one who guides us thru the lowest forms of deception to the heights of divine perfection. S/he is feminine and masculine the inner genie and Houdini … Read More

Set Loose in You the Unicorn of Capricorn

January 5, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

Note: It’s best to listen with headphones. January Planetary Overview The first few days of 2016, both Venus and Mercury begin in pragmatic and unbeknownst to most – fanciful Capricorn. On the 5th Mercury retrogrades… supporting the revaluing necessary for a re-newed point of view. For 2 ½ years Saturn, ruler of Capricorn will traverse … Read More

Saturn, Scapegoat of the Gods

December 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

is in Sagittarius, sign of the Higher Mind… for the next 2 ½ years.   Explore, experiment, expand… Inside, everyone has power so grand, it is said when you discover it, you will move mountains. Your Higher Mind is a gold mine, capable of feats far beyond current beliefs. And, for all you Sagittarians, the … Read More

Pluto, Power hidden below, does it enslave you or save you?

November 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

Note: It’s best to listen with headphones. Yes this is also the audio for Sondráya’s November Women’s Voices Magazine article “Pluto Death to the Old… Life to the New… Quantum Truth Recouped!”   Pluto, master of “the below” exoteric ruler of Scorpio esoteric of Pisces tiny as an atom mighty as a bomb alien, dwarf, … Read More

A Rare Cosmic Happening Part 2 (for audio, click below or click read more)

October 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

Note: It’s best to listen with headphones.  Yes this is also the audio for Sondráya’s October Women’s Voices Magazine article “Neptune in Pisces, a Once in 165 Year Happening!”       Neptune in Pisces, a rare once-every-165-year happening!   Neptune holiest of all planets, vehicle of Christ consciousness, harbinger of a major spiritual shift for … Read More

A Rare Cosmic Happening You’ll Want to Know About!….. (for audio, click below or read more)

September 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

If you are unfamiliar with any of the terms in the audio, please check the “Glossary.”  Please Use ear buds!   The potential for spiritual expansion is off-the-charts! Neptune, the most mystical planet in our solar system is “transiting,” traveling through its own sign Pisces, the most mystical sign of the Zodiac. Every time Neptune … Read More

Secrets for a Magical Venus Retrograde (7/26 – 9/6 2015)

July 31, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

Read the article below, or listen to the audio version here!   Venus Retrograde, what does it mean and how can we use this for personal Alchemy? Retrograde is an astrological term for a planet that appears to turn around and head back to where it just came from. This apparent changing of direction allows … Read More

AstroAlchemy: Let’s Get our Magic Back on Track

June 23, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

Mercury, the Magician, Messenger of the Gods is back in its yearly walkabout in its exoteric sign of Gemini Still a bit slow now that he’s finished with his retrograding He is ready for parading as: The Gem in our Eye What better time than now to realign with the Divine Magic of our Mind (Do remember … Read More

Get into your Magical State of Mind

May 17, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

Magical powers are at your fingertips! At the request of a friend, here is a shorter, more simpler (I hope) version of The current pow wow in the sky between Pluto, Uranus, Venus and the Moon as referred to in my earlier post, ‘Be Prepared AstroAlchemically’. The Magical Power of this Pow Wow…can be harnessed for … Read More

Be Prepared Astro-Alchemically

May 15, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”″] Listen to the audio version!   Be prepared Astro-Alchemically for May 28th & 29th 2015. This time CAN be a life shifter – if you focus rightly. Why? The moon will enter Libra and complete a Grand Cross.  (the cross itself is not exact but we can extract its power via our lunar receptivity nevertheless). She’ll … Read More