Monday, September 9, 2024

Secrets for a Magical Venus Retrograde (7/26 – 9/6 2015)

July 31, 2015 by  
Filed under Astrology

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Venus Retrograde, what does it mean and how can we use this for personal Alchemy?

DSC00172 (1)Retrograde is an astrological term for a planet that appears to turn around and head back to where it just came from. This apparent changing of direction allows us time to review and re-choose in the areas that the planet rules. And, Venus happens to presides over the areas of life most dear to us – our desires, values, relationships, creative self-expression, confidence, beauty, balance, business, wealth – the things of life that can add greater ease and joy.

When Venus, Goddess of love and abundance retrogrades, she offers all of us an opportunity to be initiated into a higher realm of being… a more stable state of inner love and richness.  Of course, initiation often includes tests and trials.  Being that Venus is in Leo squaring Saturn in Scorpio, tests are likely.  However, if you maintain a Victorious stance while handling whatever comes up in your outer or inner life, then you are fulfilling the requirement of Venus and therefore in proper alignment to receive her blessings.

Why a state of Victory?  Victory is the mindset of the 7th sphere of the Tree of Life where Venus sits.  Victory is the mindset that most helps Venus to grace us with the object of our soul’s desires.  Bathing in the frequency of feeling victorious can bring great and magical reward.  Call to mind a time when you were victorious over a difficult circumstance.  Then bask in the feeling of personal power and satisfaction such imaginings bring up.

To help hold this mindset of ‘victory’, you can simultaneously apply the mudra(s) as suggested in the ‘Finger TIPS” section in this newsletter.  Mudras can also help you to get back into the state of victory when you feel you’ve lost it.  Each time you employ the suggested ‘mudra’ in a conscious and relaxed manner, you are positioning yourself in the state necessary to receive the gifts and blessings of Venus!  You would also be wise to consider what the Orishas have to say about the power of regal posture in the ‘Orisha Orations’ section of this newsletter.

Yes, Venus is retracing her steps, mirroring the fact that at some level, so are you.  You could benefit by pondering where you have been in relation to the Venus arenas of life.  Have you been in any guilt, regret, worry or fear over any of her domains?  Perhaps you’ve been doing good, but you’re now ready to do Great.  In any case, Venus Retrograde puts you in the realm of 2nd chances.  You have an opportunity to view your Venus plots in your garden of life from a deeper point of view – and choose again.  Turn mistakes into retakes.  Turn successes into even greater triumph, all the while enhancing your ability to remain aligned in the Divine thru the Victory of Venus.

Overview for the month of August

Venus, steals center Stage as she Retrogrades from Virgo back into Leo on the 1st.  She will actually go direct on Sept. 6th, but her retrograde cycle won’t finish until Oct. 8th when she re-enters Virgo, the sign where she began this period of apparent backward motion.

Fire and Water are brewing in the Heavens: Saturn in Scorpio square to Venus in Leo exact on Aug 5th, sets this fire/water steam stage for the month;  Jupiter starts the month in Leo and moves to Virgo on the 11th; Uranus in fiery Aries conjuncts the newly discovered fight-for-rights dwarf planet, Eris adding more electricity to the air; Mars will change from sensitive Cancer to the fixed fire of Leo on Aug. 8th; Saturn turns direct on the 1st.

Neptune in Pisces is in orb of a sextile aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, sharpening our intuition and encouraging us to: utilize our magic wand of imagination.

On the more serious side this configuration entices us to, investigate society inflicted standards hiding in our subconscious domain. And  favors our reclaiming our personal authority.

For the more daring of us, this Neptune/Pluto sextile is encouraging the exploration of non-ordinary reality.

With  Neptune in  Pisces the veil between worlds is extraordinarily thin.  Neptune alone, is a door opener to multidimensional realities.  Are you ready to explore beyond the ‘norm’?   The Stars love it when we talk to them, as do the Orishas and Faery Folk – Its all one.

Jesus, Buddah, Isis, Orishas, Faeries, you and me, there is no separation in Divinity!  It’s all One, It’s all God, It’s all Good!  No matter what the appearance.  Nothing is as it seems!  Happy New Venus Dreams!

Sondráya Copyright © 2015 Sondráya Consulting

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