even though the SUN IS IN WATERY PISCES
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We get to choose how to use this powerful energy
if we are grounded, neutral and calm.
If not, we may get battered and splattered
with ill expressed anger.
On the 4th Venus is retrograding
time for reevaluating all of our values
relationships, finances, businesses, artistic expressions.. She’ll go direct in late April.
Truth trumps equally with love!
Truth (Mars) and Love (Venus) are conferencing in the light of Aries along with Uranus and Eris…
Tis a mighty time that can be used to let go the hold of the old in favor of the new.
A time filled with power and possibilities for change
for ill or for good. What we focus upon determines outcome.
Regarding Aries & Mars
Most folks think of battle and control at the mention of Aries or its ruler Mars. But that’s just his teen-aged repertoire.
Mature Aries – lead by seeing truth.
To see what is, without injecting a gory – or – glory story is a prerequisite to enlightened living.
Tarot depicts Aries as Key 4, the Emperor. who assumes a plateau point of view.
Mars can penetrate thru dross matter. It can shatter in a moment –
delusional build-up that has piled up for eons.
Which is why Mars is depicted as Key 16, the Tower, in Tarot.
Life is brewing more of what you are choosing
Life, lines up according to how you choose to view each happening
And according to what you are saying about what you are seeing
A good reason to make a vow to live in the now and keep an eye on the inner critic.
All this fiery Aries energy is conducive to taking back our power
thru a major shift in perspective.
Change your point of view and you’ve changed your future too!
My birthday gift to you (yes I’m Pisces with Venus in Aries) is a complimentary mini session. Gain an Astro-cosmic perspective of a life situation. Let’s see where all this fiery energy is happening personally for you.
Aho, float in the flow. Ashé don’t forget to play…
Love and Blessings to you all!
Sondráya is an Astrologer, Alchemist, Palmist, Poet, Sacred Dancer, and Fully Ordained Minister. She is committed to serving, educating and helping clients attune to the Magnificent Spiritual Renewal of our times!
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