Monday, September 9, 2024

Mercury Retrograde, Eclipse, Virgo and You

September 1, 2016 by  
Filed under Astrology

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Disruption perhaps Instruction for the New

Normally Virgo operates best with a plan. But the nature of eclipse is unexpected and the nature of retrograde is reflective. So take out your Mary Poppins Umbrella and prepare to ride the waves of interruption adventurously, perhaps even alchemically!

For the detailed oriented
September Planetary Commentary: August 30th – Sept. 21st Mercury retrograde. Sept 1st New Moon Solar eclipse at 9˚Virgo 21. September 9th Jupiter, the great benefactor in our solar system, changes from service/health oriented Virgo to beauty/balance minded Libra. Sept 16th Lunar eclipse at 24˚Pisces 20. Sept. 21st Mercury turns direct. Sept. 22nd Fall Equinox. Sept. 26 Pluto goes direct.

8-17-16 Key 9Virgo time is undoing time
especially with its ruler, Mercury, in Retrograde. A great time to undo from any hypnotic voodoo – be they ancestral, societal or self-induced. Undo from the egoic mindset which is easily duped.

Virgo time is meditation time
A time to remember, ‘seek ye first the Kingdom.’ That is, ‘Seek ye first the spiritual life.’ Remind yourself, it’s a waste of time to focus upon that which cannot climb beyond this dream. Surrender ego for Soul and make your goal to set Divinity ever more free. Reflect upon the fact that you are not just physical. You are multidimensional.

Virgo is the Hermit in tarot – Reflecting that part of you who is ultimately here to experience union with the Supreme Self. And, radiate the light of discovery in service to the world.

Regarding Eclipses, Gut level honesty and self-correction reaps reward
Own your idiosyncrasies. Be open to self-correction while you pursue self-perfection. If you do so, the eclipse generated disruptions will more likely be experienced as favorable. It is wise to know, the Great Cosmic Benefactor wants to use this time to deliver something new unto you… Perhaps, a new and higher point of view. Eclipses mark the place where something ends and something new begins.

Regardless of your sign, if you have any planets near 9˚ or 24˚, prepare for a shift even if subtle, some new perspective – according to planet and placement in house and sign. Know that for you, these eclipses can literally alter your destiny.

If you’re a Pisces or Virgo, expect change to be more personal.

Mercury retrograde is an insightful time; too valuable to waste it, trying to escape it.

Mercury Retrograde has a bad rap. And if you believe such talk, you’ll likely find yourself bellyaching along with the gossiping crowd. But it need not be so.

When I have ‘disruptions’ with transportation or communication during Mercury retrograde – I know the universe was not out to get me. I know it is trying to tell me something. Once I decipher that ‘something’ I have always been ultimately grateful for it!
Mercury retrograde is great for preparation, reflection, introspection and the receipt of divine direction. It’s not the time for starting new projects, but great for finishing up what has already begun.
8-17-16 magician-reversed (2)Use Mercury retrograde to reacquaint yourself with your inner magic
We all carry it – when we vibrate at the ‘right’ frequency! The frequency of being the ‘Gem’ in your I – loving and respecting yourself exactly the way you are – pimples, dimples, imperfections and all.

To illustrate the power of our mind when focused upon the Divine – planet Mercury, is reflected in the Tarot by Key 1, the Magician.

Yes to enter into the magical flow – we don’t need to be perfect – we need to be focused, honest, aware and authentic while simultaneously being about continual self-renewal and the intent to align with the Divine.

So are you willing – for a moment – to let go your worries, cares and woes? Use the magic of your breath to let everything go – just for a moment – let everything go out thru your fingers and toes, drop your shoulders and smile? You can open the door – for a while – to your house of Magic.

And, for a moment let yourself focus on Victory and Beauty – maybe just the fact that you are alive! And, let go all the seemingly problems in your life. Just this one small momentary act – can – if you make such intent – make a dent for Magic to come in and give you a spin on your current life happenings.

Everything has its’ work to do.
And the work of Mercury, as ruler of Virgo, is in staying awake, aware, honest, focused and ready to apply an action of balance when we find ourselves off the magical beam.

And there is plenty happening in the cosmos to throw us off balance if we let it. Pluto is at a standstill in the karmic sign of Capricorn. It is preparing to go direct. Neptune in visionary Pisces is square Saturn in political Sagittarius.

So unseen winds are sometimes blowing and deep wounds are sometimes showing and oftentimes they get our mind going in a downward spiraling direction.

But, no matter what – we can always take a moment to stop. Breathe everything out, and enjoy the splendor of simply ‘Being’! If we fall off track, we can reset ourselves back to the frequency of magic.

Times of change are times to remember: There is a gift in everything and it’s our job to seek it.

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